
[The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body]

We will push
We will push the button
Hey! Ho! Nuclear bomb! Big bada boom big motherfuther bomb
Hey! Ho! Nuclear bomb! Big bada boom big bada boom
Hey! Ho! Nuclear bomb! Big bada boom big motherfuther bomb
Hey! Ho! Nuclear bomb! Big bada boom big bada boom
We will push
We will push the button
We all deserve it
Hey! Kiss my ass, world!
Here motherfucker Russia soul!
Our country in deep shit! Yo!
But I love, but I love her!
No future, no rich
This is Russa, bitch!
Everyday I'm drinking,
Everyday I'm drinking,
Everyday I'm drinking,
I'm drinking everyday!

Всем известный
Everyday I'm drinking

Я люблю этих ребят.

@темы: Music, Video

27.09.2015 в 14:33

Мне еще их GIVE ME YOUR MONEY с Томми Кэшем люто зашла
28.09.2015 в 00:58

[The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body]
~Seless, еще Public Enemy клевая ~