
[The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body]
Иэн Бэнкс

16 февраля 1954 — 9 июня 2013

Iain Banks
April 3rd, 2013 in From the Author

I am officially Very Poorly.

After a couple of surgical procedures, I am gradually recovering from jaundice caused by a blocked bile duct, but that - it turns out - is the least of my problems.

I first thought something might be wrong when I developed a sore back in late January, but put this down to the fact I'd started writing at the beginning of the month and so was crouched over a keyboard all day. When it hadn't gone away by mid-February, I went to my GP, who spotted that I had jaundice. Blood tests, an ultrasound scan and then a CT scan revealed the full extent of the grisly truth by the start of March.

I have cancer. It started in my gall bladder, has infected both lobes of my liver and probably also my pancreas and some lymph nodes, plus one tumour is massed around a group of major blood vessels in the same volume, effectively ruling out any chance of surgery to remove the tumours either in the short or long term.
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10.06.2013 в 06:19

Да кому оно нужно, это бессмертие! ##### Роланд Неистовый шел и насвистывал дырочкой в правом боку##### Фикрайтеры всех стран, объединяйтесь! Спасем героев от садистов-авторов!#####Я не Кенни! Я Эникентий Мидихлорианович!