[The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body]
David Tennant joins the Royal Shakespeare Company Board Of Directors
"Although the Royal Shakespeare Company website has not been updated yet, the announcement earlier that Gregory Doran is the new Artistic Director for the RSC also contained the confirmation that David Tennant has joined the RSC Board Of Directors.
This was mentioned a few months ago in a newspaper article but this is the first official confirmation.
The RSC Board Of Directors is made up of around 15 non-salaried people who are chosen for their skills and experience. They work closely with the RSC senior management team in leading and steering the company.
The majority of people on the board are not actors but rather business professionals with an interest in the theatre so it is an honour that David Tennant has been asked to become a member.
For fans who are concerned about how much of David’s time will be taken up by this appointment, the board of directors meets at least six times a year. However the quorum number is six which means that the board only needs six directors in order to hold a regular bi-monthly meeting.
The Prince of Wales is the President and Her Majesty the Queen is the Patron of the RSC."
Хотя, если у них там практика нанимать НЕ людей сцены, то, что он там будет делать?
Почетно, да, прямо еще один повод уважать. Хотя казалось бы.
Надеюсь, его не будут сильно напрягать.
тааак, придется его кормить насильно.
Мне почему-то кажется, что дело не в том, что он не ест, а просто
не в коня кормсгорают все калории в его кипучей энергии ))А, вообще, мне очень нравится его Twiggs, когда он носится как угорелый кругами вокруг Тома, а тот его сцапывает за шкирку, приподнимает, а тот продолжает "бежать". ))) Вылитый Тенн!